Assistance Needed

It Terribly pains me to ask for any type of help, But I am hitting my lows after Wife left, lied and abandoned Daughter & I. She does currently have custody, the car & a RO on me. In all Honesty I thought we would be fine that day as she Just seemed rushed and basically normal. But things hit hard 3hours later. So I am Out looking for work, Checking on line for jobs within bus hours/range along with walking distance. Sadly not many choices available for me. Donate

What I truly need is Clothes (as wife would never allow me to buy any claiming I will just get fatter & not fit in them). I need transportation As she took the car That her name is no Longer on the title prior to court. I need help getting thru this and I barely have enough to survive for 5months. As long as I can keep everything on a super tight budget, and that she keeps paying the Cellphone Bill. I have thought about a go fund me to get back on my feet, legal & to help get my medical situations taken care of. I do apologize as I am not A Writer, or That great with writing things. Especially not good at asking for help.

Clothing Needed for David

Clothing Needed Pants Size 50x30 I believe, Shirt size is about a 2-3x preferred Big & tall. Boxeys are 3x, Dress socks & I believe size 11 shoes, 45 for international size I believe.


Safe & good MPG Low Maintenance. ie preferred is toyota Hybrid or Suv Hybrid Preffered. Civic or CRV at the least for maintenance wise.

My Medical Conditions

I have or get Chronic Dhiaghrea, Which may be a bad case of IBS. Unsure as it has been going on for 4years now and getting worse. The stress & trauma is causing other issues such as not using the restroom normally. Mind is clouded with so much to do, stress, trauma, legal papers And looking for work without a easy way to get back and forth. The heat truly bothers me and makes me sweat and stress more when I am out and about. Which Limits me to how much I can do. Ever since getting rid of our broken down couch I have had better bloodflow making it easier for me to do dishes, better on my back and not going numb as much.

I do not honestly know how to handle all this. The crisis line has truly helped me enough to calm down & relax a little more. As they make me feel not alone thru this process. I have been waking up between 6-7am ever since the wife left us. Going to bed anywhere between 9-midnight. Rarely any later. Prior to wife leaving wake up at 10am Goto bed at 2-3am. Which was always stressful on the Daughter and I. But we never complained. I did realize about the stress afterwards as Daughter started pooping Daily instead of twice a week.

I need guidance, A Decent Job, Transportation and Especially to have My Darling angel with me. I do not believe in divorce unless it truly is bad. But I do not feel we were that bad. We have had plans and she loved talking about it. and all of a sudden things flipped directions after she left for work. I love her with all my heart But my #1 priority was always our Daughter. Especially being her Primary Parent/Care giver since the day she was born. I wanted to work But the wife would not allow me to. As she was too worried about our Rent going up, Paying more for everything, Having to pay more for Medical and Daycare. Even if I would work on her days off It would be fine for me. But she hated staying home. She got to go out many times with co-workers/friends and only 1 time took khiara with her for about 6hrs. Example, 1 time an ex-coworker took dessa out after a meeting supposed to goto the mall. So Daughter and I was at the mall playing and walking around while waiting on her. She was late not paying attention to time as it was getting about a hr after Daughters nap time She finally got dropped off to where we parked. Another time We went to the mall so she could meet up with the girl/lady. And they spent hours shopping and she got things for herself, Daughter and I played at the indoor & outdoor play area for a few hours Than sat in the car so Daughter would drink and snack. Although she spent more time on my cell. Went back in so should could go potty and she didn't want to go play anymore as I tried. Sat in the car and Wife txt to say she was almost ready. But she never really wanted Khiara and I to be around her co-workers or friends As I am usually silent unless talked to or feel comfortable in a conversation. Especially feel because I am older and she has been around these younger people at work so much. But I feel it all started in february when we got turned down for the discount golden bear parks pass. Cause she was super disapointed and depressed about it not wanting to spend alot to goto the lake for an hr here or there. and we didn't agree to pay $5 to drive in and drive right out.

Can some one please help assist & try and get me back on my feet, Guidance, Tips maybe a grant or something to be able to get into a more stable situation? It just hurts asking for any type of help as I am usually the person helping everyone. If I ever ask for help It means I am truly in need.Donate

God Bless You All